1010data, Inc.
Sandy Steier, CEO & Co-Founder
With a cloud-based platform that removes the need for companies to invest in building and maintaining their own data warehouses on-site, 1010data is putting the power of big data into the hands of business users through self-service analytics.
10gen, Inc.
Dwight Merriman, Chairman & Co-Founder
10gen is the company behind MongoDB, the open source, document-oriented database, and a key champion of the NoSQL movement helping companies build and run applications with greater agility, scalability, performance and availability.
Actian Corp.
(Formerly Ingres Corp.)
Steve Shine, CEO & President
With three recent major acquisitions (Pervasive, Versant, and ParAccel) adding to its existing line-up of well-known products, Actian is poised to tackle the market with a broad portfolio of data management solutions for connecting and analyzing big data.
Actuate Corp.
Nicolas C. Nierenberg, Chairman of the Board & Chief Architect
Actuate founded and co-leads the Eclipse BIRT open source project and offers a suite of integrated BI products and services to address the need for seamless, dynamic, and accessible business information solutions at companies of all sizes.
AddressDoctor—An Informatica Company
Steffen Niehues, General Manager
AddressDoctor delivers address verification software that automatically corrects and standardizes postal addresses worldwide—no matter if your data is captured in a CRM or online shop, or stored in a database.

View from the Top by Steffen Niehues, General Manager, AddressDoctor
The success of major IT trends including Big Data, Cloud and Social Media depends on high quality customer data. One crucial part of every data quality strategy is address validation. AddressDoctor significantly improves your global address quality in order to reduce costs, increase productivity and streamline your business processes. Our address validation software automatically corrects and standardizes postal addresses worldwide—no matter if your data is captured in a CRM or online shop, or stored in a database ... read on.
Aerospike, Inc.
(Formerly Citrusleaf)
Brian Bulkowski, Founder & CTO
With its new name, which refers to the tip of a rocket, Aerospike is focused on delivering companies a data storage and management system that can handle real-time big data at high speed and scale through its key-value store NoSQL database.
Alteryx, Inc.
(Formerly SRC)
Dean Stoecker, Chairman & CEO
Alteryx Strategic Analytics software is a desktop-to-cloud solution that combines business data, industry content, and spatial processing to give strategic planners everything they need to know in one, easy-to-use solution., Inc.
Jeff Bezos, Founder & CEO
From its sales recommendation engine to its gains as a cloud computing pioneer, the path to Amazon’s position as the largest online retailer in the world is paved in technology innovation making it one of the biggest tech companies today.
Appfluent Technology
Frank Gelbart, President & CEO
A provider of enterprise BI and data warehouse management software, Appfluent software non-disruptively captures and correlates user activity, data usage, and query performance for usage analysis to resolve query performance issues, provide efficient data management, and mitigate regulatory risk.
Application Security, Inc.
Jack Hembrough, President & CEO
With cross-platform database security solutions for the enterprise, AppSecInc’s products allow organizations to assess, monitor and protect their database assets in real time, while also simplifying audits, monitoring risk, and automating compliance requirements.