
Dong Li, VP of Growth & Marketing, Kyligence

Dong Li is the founding member and senior director of product and innovation at Kyligence, an Apache Kylin core developer (committer) and member of the project management committee (PMC) where he focuses on big data technology development.

Previously, he was a senior engineer in eBay's global analytics infrastructure department, a software development engineer for Microsoft cloud computing and enterprise products, and a core member of the Microsoft business products Dynamics Asia-Pacific team where he participated in the development of a new generation of cloud-based ERP solutions.

Articles by Dong Li, VP of Growth & Marketing, Kyligence

To serve the data analytics and applications for business growth and operational needs, data lakes are being widely adopted as the data infrastructure because of their scalability and flexibility. Data lakes are strong at parking petabytes of data and production delivery as a result of their "schema-on-read" structure. But every coin has two sides. Data lakes, as a semantically flexible data store and bypassed governance efforts, have been seen as muddy swamps and inefficient in data management.

Posted June 02, 2022
