
Guy Harrison and Michael Harrison

Guy Harrison is a software professional with more than 20 years of experience in database design, development, administration, and optimization.  He is the author of Next Generation DatabasesOracle Performance Survival Guide and MySQL Stored Procedure Programming as well as well as other books, articles and presentations on database technology.  He writes a monthly column for Database Trends and Applications and is an Oracle ACE and a MongoDB certified DBA.    

Harrison can can be found on the internet at, on email at and is @guyharrison on Twitter.  He is a partner at Toba Capital and can be reached there at

Michael Harrison is a software developer at Telstra Australia where he works on software automation and big data engineering.  He can be reached at


Articles by Guy Harrison and Michael Harrison

Redmonk's annual programming language rankings - based on GitHub and StackOverflow traffic - were recently released and to no one's surprise, JavaScript was ranked as the most popular programming language.

Posted May 04, 2016

Until recently, mention of Alan Turing outside of computer science circles would fail to generate any recognition. In recent months, however, the British technology pioneer has been brought into the public eye following the release of the film, "The Imitation Game." The film itself is a combination of Turing's personal biography and an account of his pivotal work cracking the German Enigma cipher machine during World War II.

Posted March 12, 2015

Competitive differentiation in the mobile space depends only peripherally on the hardware - all modern smartphones have similar processing, display and networking capabilities. And, while some are notably superior in terms of a niche capability - cameras, for instance - it's the software, rather than the hardware, that separates the platforms.

Posted July 03, 2014

Computer games have been front-runners in many important developments in the IT industry, including digital distribution, cloud storage, user driven design, and crowd sourcing. So it's not surprising that game developers are in a leading position when it comes to big data analytics and machine learning. Online games have the ability to monitor all aspects of player behavior, so, just as Google is able to refine your search results by analyzing your previous searches and comparing them to the billions of searches done every day, online game companies are able to modify game behavior to ensure a more optimal game experience by observing what works - and what doesn't - in the gamer's world.

Posted May 09, 2013
