
Ian Stendera, VP of Product at Ardoq

Ardoq ( provides a dynamic, data-driven tool for enterprise architecture. Its software helps organizations and businesses implement and execute change across their projects, strategies, processes, applications, infrastructure, and capabilities.

With Ardoq, fresh data creates a dynamic overview that provides insights for better decisions. Through the aid of dashboards, interactive visualizations, and diagrams, users can focus time on understanding inter dependencies between technology and people, and less time documenting.

Articles by Ian Stendera, VP of Product at Ardoq

Today's organizations often have more information at their disposal than they know what to do with. From products and apps to processes, departments, data, and more, there's so much that should be considered every time a business takes on a new change project, considers a new solution, or begins a major digital transformation. Before organizations embark on any of those journeys, they must understand how to get from their current state to where they ultimately want to end up.

Posted February 10, 2021
