
2022 VIEW FROM THE TOP: ChaosSearch

View From the Top by Thomas Hazel Founder, CTO & Chief Scientist ChaosSearch

What’s hidden in your data lake? Many organizations don’t realize the valuable insights that may be locked away in their log data. Logs are automatically generated records of events that take place within all of your applications, networks, or infrastructure services. The data within these logs is critical to discovering everything from security threats to cloud latency and availability issues to application performance issues.

Even so, many organizations don’t have the tools to effectively identify trends or anomalies in their log data. Data lakes offer inexpensive storage but aren’t built for high performance analytics. Traditional observability and open source analytics tools like Elasticsearch require DevOps teams to make compromises in data retention, maintenance costs, and usability. That’s where ChaosSearch comes in.

The ChaosSearch data lake platform helps organizations realize the true promise of data lake economics by making it much simpler to implement log analytics at scale.

ChaosSearch turns your data lake into a hot analytics environment by indexing data in your Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage (GCS)—without the need for complex ETL pipelines or data movement. This process makes all your data fully searchable and available for analysis using existing data tools—with unlimited scale, industry-leading resiliency, and massive cost savings.

