
2023 VIEW FROM THE TOP: Rocket Software

View From the Top by Kathy Larson, Sr. Manager, Product Marketing

View from the Top: What makes Rocket Software and its solutions unique?

Rocket Software is committed to our MultiValue (MV) solutions and our customers who rely on MV. To support this commitment, our team of software engineers is adding new, modern features to our MV solutions and developing new, modern MV products.

Modernization keeps proven MV applications relevant by moving admin/ development from niche to mainstream, by supporting standards such as OpenSSL and OAuth, by integrating with larger application ecosystems using APIs and containers, and by transitioning from monolithic to modular.

Another reason to modernize MV is that the people who have spent their careers developing and supporting MV applications are passing the torch to the next generation. Many organizations who depend on a tried and tested MV application are making and implementing succession plans where Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) are transferring their knowledge to young developers. These young developers have an opportunity to make a real difference with tangible impacts on their organizations’ bottom line. But these young developers want to make their impact using modern development tools, programming languages, and frameworks. To support our customers’ succession plans and to provide an enticing career for young developers, we’ve added modern programming languages like Python and modern development tools like Visual Studio Code. While increasing developer productivity, Rocket Software is making our MV solutions easy to use and efficient while addressing the skills gap.

We’re providing our customers with modernization options, regardless of where they are on the journey, and helping establish the path forward for our customers’ applications and business.

Rocket Software
