
2024 VIEW FROM THE TOP: Gridgain

View From the Top by Lalit Ahuja Chief Technology Officer

We live in a world that increasingly expects instant gratification. To remain competitive and manage risks, enterprises must process and analyze extraordinary amounts of information in milliseconds.

In order to meet these modern demands for ultra-low latency data at massive scale, companies are turning to Unified Real-Time Data Platforms to simplify and optimize their data architectures.

The GridGain Unified Real-Time Data Platform makes it easy to move to this simplified and optimized data architecture. GridGain seamlessly combines streaming data in-motion and historical data at-rest with compute functionality to enable enterprises to handle complex data workloads at extreme speeds, massive scale, and high availability.

GridGain’s distributed memory-first architecture and colocated compute deliver data processing and analytics at millisecond latencies with horizontal scalability, strong security, and disk-based durability, and does so across disparate and diverse data sources.

Only GridGain has the power to address multi-dimensional data challenges in real time and at massive scale. The platform can store data, do stream processing, and host application logic and various types of analytics. Users can execute complex workloads against streaming and transactional data, as well as integrate with multiple systems of record and make curated data instantly available. For more sophisticated applications, the platform enables advanced analytics and AI/ML-based decisioning in real time.

GridGain is trusted by companies like Citi, Barclays, American Airlines, AutoZone, and UPS to make fast, well-informed decisions, speed operational analytics and fraud detection, accelerate AI/ML operations, and provide low-latency data hubs.

