
2024 VIEW FROM THE TOP: pgEdge

View From the Top by Phillip Merrick CEO and Co-founder

Applications today increasingly must be always on, always available, and always responsive, regardless of where a user is located. The hardest part of meeting these challenges is at the database layer, with databases typically residing at just one location or region within the global network.

pgEdge addresses these challenges by making Postgres, the world’s most popular open source database, fully distributed. This means multiple copies of the database can be located closer to users at different geographic locations around the global network, dramatically reducing latency and application response times. Having multiple replicated database nodes across the network also ensures high levels of availability, since when a node fails or is not reachable traffic automatically routes to the nearest still available node.

AI applications that need to run closer to the network edge benefit from utilizing pgEdge Distributed Postgres with popular Postgres extensions such as pgvector. Our AI customers have found this is the only practical way to meet their customers’ requirements for responsiveness and reliability.

pgEdge Distributed Postgres is uniquely both open— with source code available—and fully based on Postgres. It is offered as a fully managed service (pgEdge Cloud) or as self-hosted and self-managed software (pgEdge Platform). Key features include multi-master synchronous logical replication, configurable conflict resolution and conflict avoidance, latency-based routing, automatic DDL propagation, and support for many popular PostgreSQL extensions.

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