
Product Spotlight: Navicat

With a rich history in providing database administration solutions, Navicat Premium has been recognized as an industry-leading and award-winning DBA tool which supports 7 databases including MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, SQL Server, SQLite, Oracle, and PostgreSQL from a single application. This year, we released Navicat 16, Navicat On-Prem Server, and Navicat Charts Creator.

Navicat Premium 16 Highlights:

  • New Data Generation Tool

Data Generation helps you to create a large volume of testing data. Allows you to create complex data over multiple tables related to each other.

  • Comprehensive upgrade for our Charts features

More data sources and charts support have arrived in Navicat 16. We focus strongly on improving usability and accessibility to deliver information and present your findings in dashboard for sharing.

  • Navicat On-Prem Server

On-Prem Server is now added into our Navicat family.

  • Collaboration

Charts and Snippet are included in our cloud service. Keeping your team productive and to collaborate more effectively and efficiently.

  • UI/UX Improvements

Connection Profile, Query Summary, Value Picker, etc. to increase the overall efficiency of your database development.

Navicat On-Prem Server is an on-premise solution that provides you with the option to host a cloud environment for storing Navicat objects internally at your location. You can enjoy complete control over your system and maintain 100% privacy.

Navicat Charts Creator is a standalone software which lets you create visual representations of large data sets and helps you to gain deeper insights from your data. Explore and unearth patterns, trends and relations between data, and create effective visual outputs to present your findings in dashboard for sharing.

