Winners' Circle by Danny Sandwell, Director of Product Marketing, erwin Data Modeling

It is both exciting and validating to be selected as the number 1 data modeling solution by DBTA’s discerning readers for the third consecutive year in a row! At erwin, we are proud of the value we deliver to the market and to the 50,000 data professionals who rely on erwin as the foundation of their mission-critical data initiatives.
It’s a very exciting time here at erwin, after our spin-out from CA Technologies in April. As a new, independent company, our customers are benefitting from a renewed focus on the erwin product line, deeper investment in innovation and broadening of our technology and commercial partner ecosystem.
While erwin has a rich history, what’s most exciting is the role that we are coming to play in global Big Data initiatives. As our customers expand their data management requirements, erwin will provide a broader platform to address the complete data management process.
erwin’s mission is to be the central reference hub for enterprise data, regardless of source or structure, making it governable, transparent and trusted across the business. erwin takesan ANY2 approach to data management. No matter what type of data a business uses – structured or unstructured – and no matter where that data is stored -- in-house relational databases or a public or private cloud – erwin ensures that theinsights and results from Big Data projects are reliable and achievable.