
Information Capital Adds Ladybridge OpenQM Database to its WTK Web Toolkit

Information Capital (InfoCap), a systems integrator specializing in the development and integration of local government data processing solutions, has added Ladybridge Systems' OpenQM to the databases compatible with its 4GL, fourth-tier WTK application development tool.

"We see this agreement as having the potential to make QM a major player in U.S. local government systems," Martin Phillips, technical director of Ladybridge Systems, tells DBTA.

A leader in the MultiDimensional database market, Ladybridge Systems' OpenQM is continuously being upgraded with features such as object-oriented programming, a paradigm that uses the attributes and behaviors encapsulating an entity, together with their interactions, to design applications and computer programs.

In a joint, year-long effort with Ladybridge, InfoCap technicians and programmers in Illinois, New York, Arkansas, and Texas worked to perfect a design methodology for seamlessly converting more than 100,000 programs from the WTK Web toolkit to run on the OpenQM platform.

The OpenQM-WTK combination enables Information Capital companies to provide their clients the enhanced productivity made possible by the rapid evolution of mobile broadband and inexpensive netbooks and handsets.

"The long-term benefits of lower licensing costs and simplified development by use of advanced capabilities such as object oriented programming make QM a very attractive environment," Phillips observes.

For more information about Information Capital, go here.
For more about Ladybridge Systems, go here.
