
Recent MultiValue Poll Reveals MV Apps are Bridges Between Legacy Wisdom and Modern Demands

BlueFinity recently looked at a LinkedIn poll that asked, “What do businesses want when designing new MV apps?”—revealing key insights that will shape the future of MV app development.

There is, however, a contradiction in the public discourse of what the results of the poll suggested and what is being discussed in public and private forums focusing on MV.

Here are the top three features needed for future MV app development as selected in the LinkedIn poll that was published in the Pick and U2 User Groups.

  1. App Runs on All Devices

The resounding majority voted in favor of cross-device compatibility.

  • Ubiquitous User Expectations: In an era where users seamlessly switch between smartphones, tablets, and PCs, applications must transcend device boundaries. Whether you’re on the morning commute, at your desk, or lounging on the couch, the app experience should remain consistent. Users demand convenience without compromise.
  • The Multi-Platform Challenge: Developers face the challenge of creating apps that run smoothly on iOS, Android, Windows, and more. The days of siloed platforms are over; users expect their favorite apps to be accessible everywhere. MV apps that adapt seamlessly to different screens gain a competitive edge.
  1. User Experience

While not the majority, many respondents emphasized user experience (UX).

Here’s why it matters:

  • The Intuitive Imperative: Intuitive interfaces are the gateway to user engagement. Whether it’s a customer-facing app or an internal tool, users want simplicity. A well-designed UX reduces friction, boosts productivity, and fosters loyalty. Remember, users won’t tolerate clunky interfaces—they’ll swiftly abandon ship.
  • Engaging Interactions: Beyond aesthetics, UX encompasses interactions. How easily can users navigate? Is the flow logical? Are actions intuitive? Engaging interactions keep users coming back.
  • Seamless data entry and retrieval across diverse devices: The ability to enter data on one device (phone/tablet/desktop/etc.), shut it down, and continue the data entry on different devices (for example the watch as well as the phone/tablet/desktop/etc.) running the same app—keeping users engaged and focused.
  1. Incorporate Legacy Code

While less of a priority, respondents emphasized integrating legacy code.

  • Leveraging Existing Resources: Legacy systems hold institutional knowledge. They’ve weathered years of real-world scenarios, bugs, and fixes. By incorporating legacy code, organizations maximize their investment.
  • Balancing Innovation and Stability: The sweet spot lies in blending innovation with stability. New features meet old reliability. Developers who understand the legacy landscape can bridge the gap effectively.

The poll paints a picture of future MV app development: a canvas where cross-device compatibility and user-centric design take center stage. Software innovation and adaptation is slowly coming to MV.  
