
Rocket Software Unveils U2 DataVu Query; Releases U2 Web DE 5.5

Rocket Software has announced a free product called U2 DataVu Query. This tool provides fully functioning capabilities to graphically build queries against U2 data sources, including the ability to group and aggregate information to provide totals, and to print the results or export them to PDF. All queries built with U2 DataVu Query can be reused in U2 DataVu Report and Dashboard without any re-coding. Instructional material on using U2 DataVu Query can be found on the U2 Developer Zone section of Rocket U2's website. The query tool can be downloaded here.

In addition, Rocket announced that the U2 Web Development Environment product has been re-architected at V5.0 to take advantage of native UO connectivity and Connection Pooling, bringing new functionality to U2 developers who want to create web applications. Users can now take advantage of underlying database functionality such as 7x24 support for pausing your database to allow a snapshot for backups, encryption of data at rest and SSL to secure your environment and your data, and full foreign language support using UniVerse National Language Support (NLS) and UniData I18N, allowing your Web application to run in languages other than English (e.g., Simplified Chinese). For more information about Rocket U2, go here.

For information about upcoming U2U conferences in Australia, Feb. 22-24, and in the U.K., Mar. 22-24, 2011, go here.
