
Accenture’s Tech Vision for Oracle

Accenture has revealed its new “Technology Vision for Oracle” report, forecasting the five key technology trends that will drive Accenture and Oracle’s collaboration in the enterprise over the next 3 years. 

The report is authored  by Terri Strauss, senior managing director, Oracle Business Group at Accenture; and Pat Sullivan, managing director, Oracle Business Group, Accenture.

Designed to highlight the important strategic shifts companies must take to unleash the potential of the intelligent enterprise, the report dives into specific use cases and technologies that are actively reinventing businesses. The key trends and areas of collaboration between Accenture and Oracle include:

  • Citizen AI – Helping clients embed AI into operations to improve customer and citizen services
  • Extended Reality – Using the new immersive capabilities of AR/VR to enhance customer experience and increase business results
  • Frictionless Business –helping companies go to market products and services in banking and blockhain while supporting accessibility and extending the use of core legacy systems
  • Data Veracity – Accenture is leveraging Oracle’s Data-as-a-Service and Autonomous Database offerings to improve the integrity and richness of clients’ data
  • Internet of Thinking – Powering the expansion of infrastructure to the edges of the enterprise to enable innovation where interactions happen

“We are working and living in a time of unparalleled technology innovation and invention. This technology revolution is marked by a series of exponential technological advances—including cloud, artificial intelligence, blockchain, augmented and virtual reality, internet of things, robotics, quantum computing, and more—with Oracle technologies at the core of this change,” the authors note. “Individually and collectively, these technologies represent vast potential for the future of business, and are creating the imperative to reinvent and reimagine the way we do business. This future also comes with broader responsibility.”

To access the report, go to
