
Aerospike Announces New Functionality to Better Develop/Deploy AI/ML Apps

Aerospike has introduced a strategy that leverages the scale and performance of its real-time data platform to enhance and streamline query capabilities on massive datasets.

“AI and ML applications have an insatiable appetite for data, but traditional databases can struggle to process and combine both streaming and system of record data and to deliver the predictable performance needed for the best decisions,” said Srini Srinivasan, chief product officer and founder, Aerospike. “Today’s enhancements represent a continued expansion of the Aerospike database platform to build upon our strength of acting in real time upon billions of transactions and make it even easier to build and deploy applications for real-time inference-based decisions with lower server footprint.” 

To remove the data ingestion and processing bottlenecks, Aerospike will be adding Set Indexes and Expressions enhancements to its data platform, as well as the Aerospike Connect for Apache Spark 3.0 integration.

  • Set Indexes provide efficient access to a Set within an Aerospike Namespace. This feature allows fast queries of records within a Set in a petabyte scale database. 
  • Expressions Enhancements extend read and write operations with expressions, and new functionality through composition, moving processing closer to the data for greater efficiency. 
  • Aerospike Connect for Spark now lets Apache Spark 3.0 applications easily combine streaming and historical data for better decisioning, and reduces the processing time for model iterations and improvements from weeks or days to just hours or minutes. 

The release of Aerospike Connect for Apache Spark 3.0 follows last month’s release of the Dockerized version of Aerospike Connect for Presto. The Aerospike Connect product family integrates Aerospike Database 5 with popular open-source frameworks, including Apache Spark, Kafka, Presto, Pulsar, and JMS™. These technologies drive modern data pipelines and processing, enabling organizations to use rich data sets from across the enterprise to build and deploy modern data architectures without custom coding. 

Last year, Aerospike released Database 5 with enhanced Cross-Datacenter Replication (XDR), enabling data to be dynamically routed between two or more geographically distributed clusters. It also added global expressions, which easily routes just the right data to the right target at the right time. The dynamic, fine-grain control of expressions optimizes server, cloud, and bandwidth resources.

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