
Aerospike Database 6.1 Release Introduces Additional Secondary Index Features and Support for Complex Queries

Aerospike, the provider of the NoSQL real-time data platform for multi-cloud, large-scale JSON and SQL use cases, is launching Aerospike Database 6.1. This release builds upon previous iterations and is designed to improve support for complex queries and supply expanded secondary index features.

The launch introduces a secondary index on nested elements of documents within a Map Collection Data Type (CDT), ultimately improving Aerspike’s query functions for document modeling. Enhanced querying will increase the power of Aerospike SQL Powered by Starburst, according to the enterprise.

“We significantly enhanced our query capabilities with the release of Aerospike Database 6, rearchitecting secondary indexes in alignment with the design of our primary index,” said Ronen Botzer, director of product at Aerospike. “Database 6.1 removes the limitation to only index the top-level elements of a JSON document contained in a Map CDT. This allows developers to accelerate queries for documents where the predicate is matched against elements nested at arbitrary depths.”

While the performance of querying is expanded in the Aerospike Database 6.1 release, it is not at the expense of operations; this launch will significantly reduce operational impact typically accompanied by secondary indexes, according to the enterprise. Warm restarts within Aerospike Database Enterprise Edition (EE) will no longer face slowed speeds due to secondary index use—a result of storing secondary indexes in shared memory within EE. This strategy also reduces the cost of node restarts, as storing secondary indexes within shared memory means that indexes can be restored as opposed to rebuilt. Community Edition users will not be able to utilize this function.

Support for indexing a whole namespace is another feature brought to users by Aerospike Database 6.1, allowing for secondary indexes to be preferred if it exists and matches when querying on a set. If it does not exist, Database 6.1 will use a whole namespace secondary index, aligning secondary index behavior with the primary.

The addition of cardinality information on Aerospike indexes enables Aerospike Presto/Trino Connector, Aerospike SQL Powered by Starburst, and Aerospike’s Spark Connector to employ cardinality of secondary indexes for planning and optimization modules of Presto and Spark SQL. This enhancement will ultimately improve query performance in complex queries or analytics, according to the company. The secondary index names will also be limited to 64 characters, failing to be created if exceeded.

Aerospike Database 6.1 will enhance XDR throughput in the instance of XDR entering recovery mode due to network disruptions or namespace rewinds to a specific last-update-time (LUT), aiding in hydrating new clusters or transferring data between clusters in a high-write environment. This development defends against read lock contention, reducing lock contention through limited threads of the recovery and rehydration code path.

To learn more about this release, please visit
