
Akash Network Creates Critical IBC Relayer for Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol

Akash Network, provider of a decentralized cloud computing marketplace and the first DeCloud for DeFi, has developed and is set to launch the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) Relayer timed to Interchain Foundation's launch of IBC.

IBC enables various blockchain protocols to communicate and transact with each other independently, providing a framework to connect the global economy to the blockchain.

"Participants on existing blockchains will be able to interact and exchange with each other across chains. This ability for chains to transact and interoperate will be revolutionary for the industry," said Adam Bozanich, chief technology officer of Akash Network. "We look forward to seeing how the community uses the Relayer and incorporating their feedback to make improvements."

Key features for the IBC Relayer include:

  • API Server: An end-to-end API server that allows clients to interact with IBC chains. This feature allows the Relayer to expose an RPC server that enables a user to make common queries and use all the relayer functionality against a programmatic HTTP interface, i.e. a website. This feature will also allow for remote management of relayer nodes.
  • Improved Client-side Validations: Improved the security and robustness of the Relayer by improving client-side validations for messages.
  • Added Support for Client, Connection, and Channel Recycling: This feature is a crucial performance enhancement for the IBC network, and reduces the number of connections needed between different servers, improving efficiency and speed in the system.
  • Automatic Updates to Clients for Preventing Expiry: Added crucial usability improvements such as automatic client updates to prevent expiration of IBC clients, reducing management and monitoring of the system.
  • Typed Events: This feature simplifies the code base and makes it easier for clients to consume events from all Cosmos SDK-based chains. It also makes the system more stable and greatly improves the developer experience.
  • Architecture Decision Records (ADR) in Cosmos SDK: A submission for design events was integrated into the latest Cosmos SDK and will be incorporated into the Relayer.

Essential to launching the IBC protocol and the only way users will be able to use IBC, the Relayer is the user interface that enables all transfers and transactions on IBC.

In development for over three years, IBC is the flagship feature of the Cosmos Network. For crypto and blockchain, where interoperability and composability are essential for continued growth for decentralized sectors like DeFi, IBC is the most promising and production-ready solution.

Akash will be one of the first networks in the world to integrate with IBC and IBC Relayer, through the early March 2021 launch of Akash MAINNET 2, the first viable decentralized cloud alternative to centralized cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.

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