
Atlassian Adds Data Lake and Analytics Capabilities into its Signature Platform

Atlassian is introducing two new capabilities to the Atlassian platform, offering the Atlassian Data Lake and Atlassian Analytics.

The Atlassian Data Lake contains cross-product and cross-instance data for easy analysis with pre-modeled and enriched fields to speed up insight generation. Atlassian Data Lake is built on the enterprise-grade trusted Atlassian platform to ensure privacy and security.

At launch, Atlassian Data Lake will include data from Jira Software and Jira Service Management, but the company is working to bring all of the data across all Atlassian products into it.

Using the technology from Chartio, a cloud-based visualization and analytics solution that Atlassian acquired last year, the company built Atlassian Analytics – a simple, flexible hub that seamlessly connects to the Atlassian Data Lake and allows users to access data in a variety of ways.

Some of the ways that Atlassian Analytics delivers insights leveraging the Data Lake include:

  • Out-of-the-box interactive dashboards that offer cross-project and cross-product overviews of workflows. For instance, with the flow metrics dashboard, leaders can get end-to-end visibility into time to market, bottlenecks, blockers, and team load across various value streams. They can even drill down to project-level data for deeper insights.
  • SQL visualization that lets users customize their dashboards and charts with the ability to run SQL queries directly against the Atlassian Data Lake.
  • Blend in data from other sources. Data from Atlassian products only gets more powerful when combined with other business-critical data sources. For example, you can create a report that maps revenue growth from Snowflake against engineering output from Jira Software to visualize how new features impacted growth goals.

And coming soon to the platform is direct connection to external business intelligence (BI) tools, according to the vendor. Many teams want to continue using their favorite BI tools, such as Tableau or Microsoft Power BI.

The Atlassian platform allows work to flow seamlessly across tools and teams, automating mundane processes so that teams can focus on what matters and make better decisions faster using data-driven insights.

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