
BMC Introduces New Set of Middleware Management Solutions

BMC Software has announced a new set of solutions designed to help customers monitor and manage middleware across the data center. The vendor's Middleware Management solutions are intended to enable IT departments to deliver reliable business services through a more in-depth view of enterprise applications and the transaction paths that make them run.

As customers increasingly embrace application integration, virtualization and cloud, there is a greater need for availability and performance management within the connectivity tier of their applications, April Hickel, lead product manager for middleware, BMC, tells 5 Minute Briefing. BMC sought to develop the solution set to help provide customers the ability to isolate problems to specific middleware components.

The Middleware Management solutions are designed to offer in-depth views into application flow paths, to clearly understand how transactions flow across applications. The software is also intended to help manage middleware in public, private or hybrid cloud environments, as well as more proactively analyze and identify middleware and application problems before they happen. In addition, the software supports IBM's WebSphere DataPower Integration Appliance, BMC says.

BMC Middleware Management products are integrated with the BMC ProactiveNet Performance Management solution, enabling customers to monitor transaction paths and identify problems. "Now, there is the ability within the Middleware Management products where we are doing performance management, monitoring availability across all the environments, to feed that information up into our dynamic analytics engine so we can do dynamic thresholding and probable cause analysis," says Hickel.

With the ability to baseline the behavior of applications and IT infrastructure, the BMC ProactiveNet Performance Management solution can automatically pinpoint the cause of problems in an application or transaction path before they occur. When a potential problem is found, the solution initiates standard problem triage and resolution processes to solve the issue without requiring staff involvement.

Support for transaction tracing gives customers the advantage of extensive diagnostic capabilities for the complex enterprise application architecture that moves application data from distributed systems through the mainframe. Support for all major IT computing platforms enables customers to have comprehensive support by the Middleware Management solutions.

For more information about BMC Middleware Management solutions, go to the BMC website.
