
BMC Solution Predicts Batch Systems Problems, Recommends Solutions

BMC Software announced a new release of its BMC Batch Impact Manager solution, intended to reduce the time needed to resolve IT bottlenecks in batch environments. BMC says its Batch Impact Manager offers the only batch-processing tool that not only can predict problems before they happen and recommend ways to avoid them, but also provides ways to fix the issues completely.

"The new BMC Batch Impact Manager expands on the strengths of the previous version," Bill Miller, president of mainframe service management at BMC, says. "Now, instead of simply identifying delays or failures, it will tell our customers what they need to do to solve the problem. That's a first for the industry, and it will dramatically improve our customers' operational efficiencies."

About 70 percent of the world's business transactions occurring in batch, the vendor estimates. A typical batch environment runs 24 hours a day seven days a week and involves huge amounts of data critical to multiple parts of the business. Batch-related delays and failures can affect the completion time and accuracy of core business processes. In a complex batch environment, it can be difficult to notice when a process fails and whether that failure creates a direct harm to customers or to the business.

When a critical process fails, BMC Batch Impact Manager is designed to alert IT staff, telling them what happened and what will occur if they don't fix it, as well as providing step-by-step instructions on various ways to resolve the problem. BMC Batch Impact Manager also uses real-time and statistical information on job-execution times to predict when delays will occur, and provides recommendations for how to bypass them altogether. BMC Batch Impact Manager works with BMC's CONTROL-M software, a workload automation solution.

The announcement also includes new updates to BMC CONTROL-M, which now automates database processes. By integrating database transactions into the enterprise workload automation environment, the BMC CONTROL-M for Databases solution guarantees on-time processing and availability of business information, the vendor says.

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