
BlueFinity Brings mv.NET to MV User Groups in Texas and Colorado

After a successful meeting in Atlanta at the Atlanta Area Pick User Group (AAPUG) on January 25, BlueFinity International will be on the road again to meet with two additional MultiValue community groups. David Cooper, chief architect at BlueFinity International, will meet with the Texas MultiValue Users Group (TEXMUG) on January 27, and the Colorado MultiValue Users Group (CMUG) on February 1.

The user group sessions will include a high-level mv.NET feature summary; a brief Silverlight environment tour; a walk-through of an example of a Silverlight application highlighting key features such as application navigation, data validation, data paging, and data visualization; and a demonstration showing how easy it is to create a data maintenance form.

In addition, attendees will learn how BlueFinity's mv.SSIS allows MultiValue data to be consumed by Microsoft's SSIS data importation environment, which is included with SQL Server. 

For more information about BlueFinity products, go here.  

For more Information about the TEXMUG presentation on January 27, go here.   

For more information about the CMUG presentation on February 1, go here.
