
CA Technologies’ Latest Performance Management Tool Release Focuses on User Experience

CA Technologies has introduced a new release of its application performance management software, designed to help organizations more proactively manage the user experience of their applications. The CA Application Performance Management (APM) toolset is intended to provide simplified management of application performance, mobile performance management, support for modern languages, and product integrations to enhance DevOps.

“Despite the enormous complexity of today’s application delivery chain, end-users expect a flawless app experience, regardless of how, when, or where they access an app,” said John Smith, general manager of enterprise management for CA. “This means app issues aren’t IT issues; they’re customer satisfaction and retention issues.  CA APM provides organizations with automatic visibility into each transaction across all environments so that they can proactively diagnose an issue before it affects customer experience and ultimately their business.”

To help make it easier for users to adopt, manage and upgrade their implementation, CA APM’s new APM Command Center serves as a central hub for agent configuration. The unique user-friendly dashboard enables users to access an inventory of thousands of agents across multiple APM clusters in one view so that they can more quickly generate diagnostic reports and diagnose agent configuration problems.

Another new feature, smart instrumentation functionality, automatically collects transaction traces so that failures can be proactively corrected without having to recreate issues or change an application’s instrumentation. It also provides diagnostic information about the transaction error to help users better triage problems. 

In addition to providing support for Java and .Net applications, CA APM now includes support for PHP. CA Technologies is also a MongoDB Partner and has certified CA APM on MongoDB Enterprise. The CA APM MongoDB

Collector integrates MongoDB metrics into CA APM for intelligent analytics, alerting and visibility in a single dashboard.

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