
Cisco Boosts Developer Support for its Supported Networks  

Cisco has released new developer capabilities across its “intent-based” networking platform. By providing an open network, Cisco seeks to better equip 500,000 developers, 60,000 partners and three million network engineers to innovate upon the platform. The vendor also released new developer toolkits.

Intent-based networking moves away from the manual, time-intensive methods by which networks are traditionally managed, these modern networks capture business intent and translate it into network policies. These policies are then automatically activated across the entire infrastructure, with the assurance that the business intent was delivered as planned. "Intent-based networking represents the next generation of open, IP-based systems that we've seen can change the actual fabric of society," said David Goeckeler, executive vice president and general manager of Cisco's Networking and Security Business.

Cisco released new developer tools and open APIs into Cisco DNA Center — the command and control center for campus, branch and edge intent-based networks. DNA Center turns the network from a combination of hardware devices into a single system. With the availability of network-wide APIs, Cisco enables developers to program this system, tapping into all of the analytics and insight the network can provide.

The solution includes an API catalog.  DNA Center helps enable developers to program the network as a single system through intent-based APIs. The solution is also designed to help network IT administrators exchange information to automate processes across IT systems through software adapters. DNA Center also provides developers and partners the flexibility to support multi-vendor networks via a software developer kit (SDK). To date, 15 Cisco partners have built innovative solutions on the DNA Center platform.

DevNet Ecosystem Exchange is intended to makes it easier to find and share an application or solution built for Cisco platforms. DevNet Code Exchange is designed to provide developers a place to access and share software to quickly build next-generation applications and workflow integrations.

The new DNA Center capabilities are scheduled to be available during the summer of 2018. Customers can purchase these new capabilities from Cisco and its partners via existing subscription offers.

More details are available at
