
Compuware Boosts Mainframe Software Development

Compuware has introduced a mainframe release automation solution that enables enterprises to bring continuous delivery best practices to their IBM z/OS environments. ISPW Deploy, built on the ISPW technology Compuware acquired in January of this year, facilitates faster and more reliable mainframe software deployment.

“The mainframe endures as a strategic platform because of its unmatched reliability, scalability, security, and performance economics—and because the investments that global enterprises have made in mainframe applications and data are irreplaceable,” said Compuware CEO Chris O’Malley. “Compuware is the only mainframe ISV that is fully committed to meeting the needs of these global enterprises as they seek to combine the advantages of size with the advantages of agility in a global marketplace that demands both.”

ISPW Deploy has three key sets of capabilities, including automation that rapidly moves code through the deployment process, including test staging and approvals, while also providing greatly simplified full or partial rollbacks. The solution also includes visualization designed to enable DevOps managers to quickly pinpoint deployment issues in order to both solve immediate rollout problems and address persistent bottlenecks in code promotion.

Compuware also said it is integrating Compuware ISPW and XebiaLabs’ cross-platform continuous delivery solutions, intended to enable IT organizations to orchestrate and visualize their mainframe DevOps processes in a common manner with their broader cross-platform DevOps automation.

Compuware also unveiled numerous enhancements to ISPW’s source code management capabilities, including capabilities in Compuware File-AID that are designed to help customers migrate to COBOL v5 and above and reap associated performance benefits. It also includes the addition of IMS Transaction Profiling and automated initiation of measurements across all members of a targeted CICSPlex.

The company also announced integration between Compuware Strobe and ConicIT mainframe performance analytics, intended to help IT organizations predictively discover and remediate operational issues.

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