
Compuware Offers Free IPv6 Website Performance Comparison Test

In recognition of World IPv6 day last week, Compuware released a free IPv6 website performance comparison test. The Gomez IPv6 Website Performance Comparison Test allows organizations to compare the speed of their IPv4- and IPv6-enabled web applications.

"IPv6 will play an important role in the future of the Internet, and until now there was no way to test the performance of IPv6-ready websites or compare them to the currently deployed IPv4 sites," says Steve Tack, CTO of Compuware APM business unit. "This instant test provides a quick and simple way to measure the response times that a user experiences when using these two protocols and helps ensure organizations experience a smooth and successful transition to IPv6."

With the migration to IPv6 already underway, it's critical that organizations ensure their IPv6-enabled applications perform on par with their customers' user experience expectations, says Compuware. The company's early analysis of IPv6-enabled sites shows that users generally experience slower responses times when accessing them.

Compuware's Gomez platform is a solution for optimizing the performance of web, non-web, mobile, streaming and cloud applications.

To use the Gomez IPv6 Website Performance Comparison Test the user submits URLs for IPv4- and IPv6-enabled websites. The test produces a waterfall chart that compares the response times of each of the sites and also shows a screen capture of the IPv6 and IPv4 pages as they are seen in an actual browser.
