
Compuware Ramps Up Data Center Monitoring and Analytics

Compuware Corporation, an application performance management (APM) provider, announced a new release of its data center monitoring software that includes enhanced analytics and new network packet capture and analysis capabilities. The vendor's Data Center Real User Monitoring solution (DC RUM) is designed to simplify identification and triage of performance issues across applications, infrastructure and network.

The new release will help end users monitor and understand the network impact on application performance down to the transaction and user level at packet-level depth. The new availability analytics span all layers of a business transaction, from the network TCP session all the way up to the application logic.

“As modern network and application architectures continue to increase in complexity, so do challenges around performance visibility and control,” said Steve Tack, vice president of product management for Compuware’s APM business unit. “With this new release of our DC RUM solution, we deliver powerful new performance analytics that solve these challenges and support a smarter triage process to rapidly resolve issues. Customers can improve user experience through network packet-level capture and analysis with business context, and enhanced availability analytics.”

DC RUM is engineered to provide an end-to-end view that encompasses detailed network, client and server fault-domain analysis, while helping to identify and isolate the root causes of problems. This fault-domain isolation value is now supplemented by the ability to initiate, collect and analyze packet-level data in the context of DC RUM reports. This enables operations teams to ascertain root causes of network issues by viewing the packet-level data collected in the context of the application, transaction and user analysis.


In a separate announcement, Compuware announced new 2014 Compuware APM Benchmarks. The benchmarks are being enhanced and modernized so companies can better measure and compare the performance of their entire digital experience against industry competitors and peers across mobile, web, Last Mile and transactions.


Based on a set of online transactions and home page measurements, Compuware APM Benchmarks competitively rank sites and provide the ability to analyze the performance best practices used by industry leaders and competitors. This information provides the justification for critical performance investments as to what it takes to become a top mobile and web property.


More details are available at the Compuware website:

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