
DBI Introduces New Version of DB2 Performance Analysis and Tuning Solution

DBI (Database-Brothers, Inc.) has released Brother-Panther for DB2 LUW 5.1. "Brother-Panther is all about performance monitoring, analysis, tuning and trending. Our customers are very successful at using Brother-Panther to understand what costs the most and what hurts the most in the database. And in a couple of more mouse clicks we are usually able to hand them a solution that will make all that pain go away," Scott Hayes, president and CEO of DBI, tells 5 Minute Briefing.  

With this release, says Hayes, Brother-Panther now can now help people understand the big picture and the details regarding the consequences of change. DBAs are continuously updating their DB2 environments, whether it is upgrading to a new version, applying fix packs, or updating their applications to better serve their user communities, he notes. "With Brother-Panther 5.1, we are going to show them in a single mouse click a complete list of all their databases, which databases are now running faster and have faster response times, what is happening to CPU and IO utilization on the servers, what is happening to transaction  rates  are they getting more work done more quickly as a consequence of having updated to that new DB2 release, applying that fix pack, or putting in that application change — and at the details of the SQL workload,  we are going to show  people a side by side comparison." If a customer has 2,000 different SQL statements in the workload supporting an application, says Hayes, Brother-Panther will show them for each of those 2,000 statements, which ones are faster, slower, use more or less CPU, or have remained unchanged. "In as few as a mouse click or two, people are going to do these comparisons and have instant awareness of what specifically is better and what is worse."

In addition, Brother-Panther now provides customers with information about the people running queries in the database for any particular timeframe, including how many queries they ran, the total CPU cost and performance characteristics, and the average response times of the queries.  Because that information can be identified, organizations can assign a CPU cost per second. "We have the CPU time at the user level, the application level and the individual SQL level so now we can hang a price tag on our users, on our applications, and on the queries they run," says Hayes. In addition, having access to this granular information allows DBAs to, for example, prioritize a certain user's queries or better understand the user's queries to better tune them, he adds.      

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