
DigitalOcean Releases Container Registry

DigitalOcean is releasing its Container Registry, providing users with the ability to securely store and manage private container images, especially for use with DigitalOcean Kubernetes.

To get started, users can navigate to the Container Registry tab in the control panel. After creating a registry, users can then docker push container images to it. Images within the registry are encrypted at rest and in transit, and are only available to other members of the DigitalOcean team.

To make it easier to deploy images to DigitalOcean Kubernetes, the platform provides a workflow for connecting the registry to clusters within a users' account.

Simply visit the ‘Settings’ tab for the registry in the control panel, and select the clusters to use with the registry. DigitalOcean will then store an authentication token as an imagePullSecret in all namespaces for the chosen Kubernetes clusters.

Users can transfer container images to DigitalOcean Kubernetes clusters for free. To help improve performance, DigitalOcean Container Registry caches image metadata around the world.

Container Registry isn’t just for containers. Container Registry can be used to store any artifact that is compatible with the OCI specification.

In part because DigitalOcean Container Registry is built atop its Spaces object storage service, it is available at low, predictable prices.

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