
Free Plug-In Connects Allround Automations' PL/SQL Developer with Red Gate's Deployment Suite for Oracle

Allround Automations has released a free plug-in that directly connects its PL/SQL Developer IDE with Red Gate Software's Oracle database deployment tools. According to Allround Automations, the Red Gate Deployment Plug-In makes it simple for its users to launch Red Gate's tools directly from their familiar PL/SQL Developer environment,  enabling them to compare and deploy Oracle databases across development, testing and production environments.

Oracle developers appreciate simplicity and ease of use that PL/SQL Developer offers, Tom Harris, Red Gate's product manager for Oracle tools, tells 5 Minute Briefing.  "The IDE gives users everything they need for developing against the Oracle database, without confusing them with a myriad of extra, unused features. This makes it a great fit for Red Gate's suite of tools for deploying database changes," he explains. "Combining PL/SQL Developer and the Deployment Suite for Oracle from Red Gate gives any database developer an extremely powerful environment for development and deployment."

The plug-in enabling direct access to Red Gate's Deployment Suite for Oracle from within PL/SQL Developer is available for free download at

A 14-day free trial of the Deployment Suite is available at

Allround Automations is a provider of Oracle development tools, with more than 300,000 users at more than 41,000 companies and organizations in 150 countries.

Red Gate Software specializes in MS SQL Server, .NET, Oracle, and cloud-based tools, that are used by more than 500,000 information technology professionals worldwide.
