
GridGain Announces Control Center for Managing GridGain and Apache Ignite

GridGain Systems, provider of enterprise-grade in-memory computing solutions based on Apache Ignite, has announced GridGain Control Center, a tool for managing, monitoring, and developing applications for the GridGain and Apache Ignite in-memory computing platforms.

GridGain Control Center is available as a free hosted service for GridGain Editions 8.7 and above and for Apache Ignite 2.8 and above.

Key features of GridGain Control Center include:

  • A customizable dashboard with a drag-and-drop interface, which allows users to monitor more than 200 OpenCensus-based metrics
  • User-definable production alerts, which can be configured to enable identification and resolution of production issues
  • Query development tools including a SQL editor that provides code completion, validation and syntax highlighting during query development and execution and the ability to monitor and analyze query execution statistics in real-time
  • Active tracing and root cause analysis, which visualizes API calls as they execute across the nodes in the cluster to improve understanding of GridGain and Ignite processes and accelerate root cause analysis
  • Disaster recovery and backup management for Transactional Persistence users
  • Monitoring of rolling upgrades and cluster rebalancing for GridGain Enterprise and Ultimate Edition users
For more information, visit
