
GridGain for z/OS Expands In-Memory Computing Solution to the Mainframe

GridGain Systems, provider of enterprise-grade in-memory computing solutions based on Apache Ignite, has rolled out GridGain for z/OS, an optimized version of the GridGain in-memory computing platform for use on the IBM z/OS operating system. GridGain for z/OS enables businesses to create solutions for efficient digital transformation of core systems as well as running analytics across their entire data estate to power real-time business processes.

GridGain for z/OS is a mainframe-optimized version of GridGain for use on the IBM z/OS operating system. It runs on IBM zIIPs (z Integrated Information Processor), the IBM processor optimized for running services such as Java on the IBM Z mainframe platform. GridGain is currently running trials of GridGain for z/OS with major banks and insurance companies that use IBM mainframes as the central computing platform for their core business processes. The IBM Z platform is used by 44 of the top 50 global banks, 4 of the top 5 airlines, and two-thirds of the Fortune 100. Across the world, IBM Z powers the most critical business systems for top enterprises, with 4.1 million core business transactions per second run on IBM Z.

“GridGain on z/OS represents another leap forward for enterprise digital transformations based on in-memory computing technology. We anticipate that GridGain for z/OS will find interest across a broad range of industries that rely on the Z platform for core applications. Deploying our in-memory platform on IBM z/OS to power real-time business is a natural evolution of in-memory adoption that began with distributed commodity servers and has now expanded to the core of large enterprises – the IBM mainframe,” said Abe Kleinfeld, president and CEO of GridGain Systems.

According to GridGain, the platform provides in-memory speed and massive scalability for data-intensive applications. It requires no rip-and-replace of existing databases and can be deployed on-premises, on a public or private cloud, or on a hybrid environment. Built on a memory-centric architecture that can leverage ongoing advancements in memory and storage technologies, the solution allows companies to future-proof their applications. GridGain is based on the open source Apache Ignite project and offers up to a 1,000x improvement in performance versus applications built on disk-based databases. GridGain can also function as a full-featured, standalone in-memory database. GridGain supports data processing APIs including ANSI-99 SQL, key-value, compute, machine learning and more and supports ACID transactions, all at in-memory speeds.

To learn more about the GridGain In-Memory Computing Platform download the “Introducing the GridGain In-Memory Computing Platform” white paper and go to
