
IBM Opens Watson Analytics for Business

Watson Analytics, IBM’s natural language-based cognitive service is now open for business and available in beta. Offered as a freemium service in the cloud, business users can now access Watson Analytics from a desktop or mobile device. According to IBM, since being announced on September 16, more than 22,000 people have already registered for the beta. The Watson Analytics Community, a user group for sharing news, best practices, technical support and training, is also accessible starting today.

This news follows IBM's recently announced global partnership with Twitter, which includes plans to offer Twitter data as part of IBM Watson Analytics.

Watson Analytics provides business professionals with a unified experience and natural language dialogue so they can better understand data and more quickly reach business goals. It allows marketing, HR or sales reps to quickly source data, cleanse and refine it, discover insights, predict outcomes, visualize results, create reports and dashboards and explain results in familiar business terms.

More information is available about Watson Analytics.
