
IBM Sells U2 Group to Rocket Software

IBM yesterday announced plans to sell its WW U2 Database and Tools assets to Rocket Software, a global software development firm, based in Newton, Mass. In a letter to customers, Susie Siegesmund, director, IBM U2 Data Servers and Tools, IBM Information Management Software, assured them that the change of ownership will be a benefit to U2's product line as well as customers and business partners and will not affect relationships with the U2 business. "We will strive to make the change as seamless as possible. I will continue to lead the business with my existing management team."

Siegesmund also reminded customers and partners that for many of them their relationships with IBM's U2 group goes back many years and has continued through other changes as well. "Many of you have been our customers since the days of Unidata and Vmark and have seen the succession through Ardent, Informix and IBM. We look forward to continuing our strong relationship with you as our new company extends our reputation as the best software infrastructure provider for easily customizable, high transaction, zero administration web applications."

Rocket builds and services enterprise infrastructure products for OEMs, networks and software companies and enterprises. The company's current lines of business complement and extend OEM offerings in the areas of business intelligence, storage, networks and telecom, terminal emulation and FTP, integration, modernization and SOA, database, and security. Rocket has OEM relationships and technology partnerships with IBM, EMC, HP, and others.

For more information about Rocket Software, go here.
