
IBM and SAP Support Clients with Wave of Offerings During the Ongoing Pandemic

IBM and SAP continue to assist companies through their digital transformations, upping their commitment to clients more than ever during the COVID-19 pandemic.

As both companies continue to further accelerate the journey of clients in every industry around the world to become an intelligent enterprise and help them emerge even stronger post-pandemic, new offerings introduced include:

  • Intelligent Industry Cloud Solutions for Industrial Manufacturing
  • Integrating AI and analytics in areas like quotation, pricing, visual inspection and the connected plant are growing business needs for industrial manufacturing companies.
  • Cognitive Care for SAP Utilities
  • Continuous Intelligent Planning
  • IBM Accelerated Move Center

SAP and IBM look to continue to co-create and enhance solutions as businesses operate in this new normal, complementing their collaboration on cloud and RISE with SAP.

Over the next year, IBM is aiming to release three to five cross-industry and industry offerings each quarter.

The next offerings are in the retail and defense sectors that provide clients with greater flexibility for hybrid cloud solutions.

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