
LicenseFortress Expands SAM Managed Services to Include Microsoft

LicenseFortress is expanding its real-time monitoring of software license compliance to include Microsoft.

An independent provider of SAM managed services for users of Oracle and VMware, LicenseFortress now meets consumer demand that is driven by the ubiquitous nature of Microsoft in today’s business world, according to the company.

“Customers want an independent SAM managed service that provides proactive monitoring and real-time alerts when they are out of compliance with their software licenses. By folding Microsoft into our real-time, software-license compliance monitoring, we are offering a complete solution to mitigate our clients’ exposure to costly audits,” said Dr. Michael Corey, co-founder and chief operating officer of LicenseFortress.

The world’s leading software providers, including Microsoft, audit business customers to ensure compliance with licensing and generate additional revenue from fines for violations. When employees activate unlicensed features or have confusion over virtualization, it can trigger a license violation, and businesses face serious financial risk if audited.

"LicenseFortress began as SAM managed service for Oracle users, and as our company has grown, we have added real-time monitoring of VMware and now Microsoft applications to meet the needs of our existing and future customers. We are confident that our triple threat of licensing experts, proprietary monitoring software, and legal advisors will protect our customers from the financial risks of software audits,” said Dean Bolton, co-founder and chief architect of LicenseFortress.

Headquartered in Los Angeles and servicing customers globally, LicenseFortress deploys LicenseFortress Discovery to monitor an organization’s real-time software license compliance.

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