
MapR Improves Hadoop Accessibility with Application Gallery and Syncsort DMX-H Certification

To make it easier for companies to get information about Hadoop applications and move existing workloads over to Hadoop, MapR has launched a Hadoop application gallery and formed a partnership with Syncsort.

With solutions from a range of Hadoop ecosystem partners, the new MapR App Gallery is aimed at helping customers get more value from big data as they scale-out their enterprise data architectures.  The Syncsort partnership has been formed to help companies offload mission-critical data and processing from legacy systems into a Hadoop platform.

MapR App Gallery

Aimed at end-user developers, administrators, and analysts who want to develop more sophisticated big data capabilities to run their business operations and decision-making, the MapR App Gallery offers the information about ready-made big data utilities and applications.

The App Gallery includes administrator-oriented apps for provisioning, management, and security; developer-oriented applications, query engines and frameworks; and analyst-focused applications for business intelligence and machine learning.  Solutions included in the gallery include database, analytics and data integration, search machine learning, as well as management and security.

The Application Gallery is really to help customers including developers, adminisgtrators and end user business analysts quickly gain value from their big data deployments and really save a lot of the scrambling around to understand what is the larger ecosystem, said Jack Norris, CMO, MapR. “The Application Gallery provides a flexible web based environment so constituents can quickly find the applications and how they leverage Hadooop. It  is a one-stop sho helping customers get up to speed and get value from their Hadoop platform.”

Syncsort-MapR Partnership

And, as part of the Syncsort agreement, the Hadoop extract/transform/load (ETL) software, Syncsort DMX-H, is now certified with the MapR Distribution for Apache Hadoop, providing a way to offload heavy processing into a Hadoop environment. “One of the big differentiators in the MapR platform is the underlying enterprise-grade capability with full high availability, full data protection/disaster recovery capabilities available,” said Norris. “That means that the same types of enterprise-grade functionality that are present on the mainframe can now be accessed and used on the Hadoop platform through MapR.”

According to the companies, the internet analytics company comScore is leveraging the MapR and Syncsort integration to offload critical data into Hadoop, and Experian is using MapR and Syncsort to offload data from mainframe and SAN systems. 

Developers can submit new applications directly to the App Gallery at

More information is available about MapR at and about Syncsort at
