
McNeely Technology Solutions Expands DB Services to Include Db2 LUW

McNeely Technology Solutions, based in Dallas, Tex., has announced expansion of its database services, with the addition of support for Db2 LUW. Db2 LUW is part of the Db2 family of database products designed to run on many popular operating systems including Linux, IBM AIX, and most Windows systems. In response to a client request for support for Db2 LUW McNeely Tech piloted this service successfully and is now offering this added service to all customers.

Db2 LUW services includes installation, upgrades, patching, tuning, health checks, and incident resolution. Db2 LUW adds to the company product line of Oracle and SQL Server database administration services.

"The market is diverse, and clients need support for the database flavors they are running,” said Mary Elizabeth, president, McNeely. “We have expanded our services as clients ask us to take on additional database products. Client needs drive our growth as well as our directions for growth."

Database administration remains McNeely Technology's flagship offering. Its target customers are mid-sized companies, which often run multiple database brands in their environments.

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