
MicroStrategy Says New Software Can Support More Than 100,000 Active Users

MicroStrategy Inc., a provider of business intelligence software, says that in benchmark tests of its latest software release, MicroStrategy 9.0.2, the software can support more than 100,000 active users while delivering average response times under two seconds.

MicroStrategy's high performance and scalability tests consisted of a four-node clustered configuration of MicroStrategy Intelligence Server containing a total of 32 CPU cores, running on commodity Intel-based hardware with the Red Hat Linux ES operating system. A query volume of 560,000 round-trip queries per hour was sustained while supporting over 100,000 active users, which can be extrapolated to a total user population of 500,000 people, the vendor says.

"The performance tests employed MicroStrategy's in-memory technology, which acts largely as a multidimensional cache of enterprise data warehouse data," Sanju Bansal, chief operating officer for MicroStrategy, tells 5 Minute Briefing. "In this sense the performance is the same when run against an enterprise data warehouse. In fact, the test application was leveraging roughly one terabyte of data with a seven-billion-row fact table running on Oracle 11g."

During the test sequence, the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server demonstrated a proportional increase in capacity as additional server nodes were added to the clustered configuration. In single-node operation with eight CPU cores, the server supported traffic volume for more than 26,000 active users. With two nodes, the server with 16 CPU cores supported traffic volume of approximately 51,000 active users, MicroStrategy says. The traffic volume supported bumped up to 76,000 users for a three-node configuration containing 24 CPU cores.

"The tests were conducted on off-the-shelf, inexpensive Intel Xeon-based server hardware," Bansal says. "Performance numbers running Windows or Linux OS are pretty comparable, although the test numbers published were recorded using a Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS."

The performance tests were conducted using a standard test suite of 66 reports and five complex dashboards that were designed to incorporate the full range of report sizes and usage patterns consistent with enterprise BI applications. As part of this process, MicroStrategy created a test suite based on the application profiles of a dozen of its larger customers. The smallest report contained one row and 60 KB of data, while the largest report contained more than 218,000 rows and 23,602 KB of data.

For more details, visit here.
