
MongoDB Launches New Developer Capabilities

MongoDB unveiled its developer data platform vision with a series of new capabilities at its annual conference held at the Javits Center in New York City. With these announcements, MongoDB aims to help development teams to innovate faster by addressing a wider set of use cases, servicing more of the data lifecycle, optimizing for modern architectures, and implementing more sophisticated levels of data encryption.

“Hundreds of millions of new applications will be developed over the coming years that deliver compelling customer experiences, enable new capabilities to transform businesses, and increase operational efficiency via more sophisticated automation—and these applications all require a highly scalable, cloud-native, globally distributed data platform,” said Dev Ittycheria, president & CEO of MongoDB. “Our vision is to offer a developer data platform that provides a modern and elegant developer experience, enables broad support for a wide variety of use cases, and delivers the performance and scale needed to address the most demanding requirements.”

MongoDB has extended its approach of working with data beyond operational and transactional use cases to serve search and analytics use cases, all within a unified platform. The enhancements allow teams to accomplish more while preserving a consistent developer experience and reducing the complexity of the data infrastructure required to support modern applications.

MongoDB announced capabilities to make it easier for developers to leverage in-app analytics and power richer application experiences. Column Store Indexes, available later this year, will enable users to create and maintain a purpose-built index that dramatically speeds up many common analytical queries without requiring any changes to the document structure or having to move data to another system. Additionally, analytics nodes can now be scaled separately, allowing teams to independently tune the performance of their operational and analytical queries without over- or under-provisioning.

MongoDB time series collections make it easier, faster, and lower cost to build applications that monitor physical systems, track assets, or deal with financial data. In the upcoming MongoDB 6.0 release, time series collections will support secondary indexes on measurements, and feature read performance improvements and optimizations for sorting time-based data more quickly.

Atlas Search enables developers to build relevance-based search capabilities into applications and now with Search Facets, developers are able to build search experiences that allow end users to more seamlessly browse, narrow down or refine their results by different dimensions.

Servicing more of the data lifecycle
MongoDB also announced new products and capabilities that enable development teams to better analyze, transform, and move their data in Atlas while reducing reliance on batch processes and ETL jobs that can create delays, limit productivity, and increase costs.

  • Atlas Data Lake will feature fully managed storage capabilities that provide the economics of cloud object storage while optimizing for high-performing analytical queries. Atlas Data Lake reformats, creates partition indexes, and partitions data as it is ingested from Atlas databases, creating a highly performant companion data lake.
  • Atlas’s Data Federation capabilities allow teams to create virtual databases so that they can work with data that resides in a range of different sources. Development teams can query, transform, or create views across one or more collections, MongoDB clusters, and storage buckets.
  • Atlas SQL Interface enables data analysts, who work mainly in SQL tools to interact with Atlas data in a read-only interface. This makes it easy to natively query and visualize Atlas data with SQL-based tools while preserving the flexibility of the document model. Additionally, you can query data across Atlas clusters and cloud object stores using SQL without the need for data manipulation, schema definition, or flattening of data.

For the full list of new features and enhancements released at MongoDB World 2022 visit:
