
New Report Examines the Status of the Mainframe Market and Outlook for Future Modernization Plans

Advanced, a provider of mainframe and legacy modernization solutions, has released its "2021 Mainframe Modernization Business Barometer Report," which examines the current mainframe market, the associated challenges facing large enterprises worldwide, and the impact COVID-19 has and will continue to have on modernization planning.

According to the company, amidst global disruption, the spotlight was firmly cast on the critical need for high-functioning IT systems in 2020 – whether to meet the demands of a newly formed remote workforce, to handle backend and operational functions for businesses, or to scale to meet exponential increases in customer demand with no disruption to service. The government sector in particular was hard-hit by the IT fallout of COVID-19, especially numerous state governments whose mainframes buckled under huge waves of unemployment claims as they were unable to scale up when the pandemic hit the U.S.?one of the many examples of legacy technologies gone wrong.

Since then, Advanced said, large enterprises within the government sector as well as across financial services, insurance, healthcare and logistics, have all rapidly accelerated modernization projects. According to the Advanced report:

  • 78% of enterprises have started at least one modernization program as a direct result of the pandemic
  • 87% have scheduled at least one legacy system modernization program in the next 12-24 months
  • 60% say COVID-19 accelerated their cloud transition process

While 77% of respondents said they have started but failed to complete at least one modernization program, a lack of adequate planning was cited as the primary reason for those failures. This lack of planning is often coupled with, and exacerbated by, an inadequate understanding of the legacy environment and a lack of mainframe modernization expertise.

To view the full report, go to
