
Oracle Cloud Manages COVID-19 Vaccination Program in the U.S.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is using Oracle’s National Electronic Health Records Cloud plus Oracle’s Public Health Management Applications Suite to manage the COVID-19 vaccination program throughout the U.S. The Oracle Public Health Management Applications Suite includes applications for managing the entire vaccination process from ordering the vaccine, tracking shipments and managing inventory, to directly communicating with vaccinated patients via smart phones to collect safety data such as side effects and adverse events.

Less than a year ago, the U.S. government launched a project to accelerate the development and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostic testing. To aid in that effort, Oracle built a National Electronic Health Records (EHR) Database plus a suite of Public Health Management Applications to help U.S. public health agencies and healthcare providers collect and analyze data related to COVID-19. Oracle’s National EHR system enables public health officials to have access to timely data as to how many people have been vaccinated in New York City or Palo Alto, or anywhere in the U.S.

The Oracle National EHR Database and Public Health Management Applications were first used in June 2020 to register and directly communicate with more than 500,000 people who volunteered to participate in clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics.

By working with the CDC and the U.S. Department of Defense during the pandemic, Oracle was able to extend the capabilities of the Public Health Management Applications Suite to help manage nationwide distribution and to collect patient data around COVID-19 vaccines and treatments.

Now that COVID-19 vaccines are starting to be distributed, managing this complex logistical process quickly and efficiently is imperative; lives literally depend on it. Oracle’s Public Health Management System’s new Provider Order Portal was built specifically for the U.S. government and will enable authorized federal suppliers to order multiple vaccines and enable vaccine providers to manage inventory and fulfill orders based on availability.

Providers will also be able to manage deliveries and ensure receipt of each shipment meets each vaccine’s specific requirements, such as different temperatures for cold storage. The system will also track returns and redistribution to minimize wastage.

The Oracle National EHR Cloud will serve as the CDC’s central data repository for all vaccination data in the U.S. This “national clearing house” system will receive data from all U.S. jurisdictions administering vaccinations. Anonymized vaccination data (a version of the data where all patient names and identifiers have been removed to protect patient privacy) will be used for analysis and reporting by authorized agencies and organizations.

Oracle’s National EHR Cloud and Public Health Applications can be used to manage vaccination programs, therapeutics distribution and diagnostic testing for any disease anywhere in the world.
