
Privacera Bolsters Data Governance Capabilities for Cloud Data Lakes

Privacera, the unified data access governance provider founded by the creators of Apache Ranger, is offering its AWS Lake Formation integration in private preview. This solution offers complete data governance automation and fine-grained data access for AWS services including Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift and Amazon RDS.

Privacera is expanding its support and native integration for diverse AWS environments with the new AWS Lake Formation integration.

Users can simplify data access governance for complex and heterogeneous data lake and data mesh environments by extending Lake Formation enforcement to third-party services like Databricks, enabling additional governance use-cases.

With this new integration, organizations can accelerate their migration to the cloud by leveraging Privacera to securely manage data access policies within a single governance platform across diverse on-premises and cloud data sources.

This will significantly reduce efforts around data migrations to the cloud through increased automation and consistent policy management, and the ability to ensure compliance through an open, consistent, and proven standard, according to the vendor.

“Organizations operate in diverse data ecosystems, and it’s becoming increasingly challenging to not only manage the data from a governance perspective, but ensure that organizations are gleaning timely insights securely through appropriate access controls and automation, and that’s why Privacera exists,” said Privacera CEO and co-founder Balaji Ganesan. “As an AWS partner, expanding our capabilities with this new integration allows us to deliver a solution that leverages the strengths of both Privacera and AWS Lake Formation, helping organizations with a secure and simple approach to data access while delivering business value.”

The latest integration will give users:

  • A unified data governance strategy including your lake formation data assets
  • AWS Lake Formation policy enforcement extended to popular data analytics systems such as Databricks
  • An intuitive and easy-to-use interface to build data access policies on top of AWS Lake Formation

Privacera helps enterprise data teams protect sensitive data and enable privacy across all on-premises, hybrid and multi-cloud data sources while reducing time to insights by automating outdated, manual governance processes.

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