
Privitar introduces support for right to be forgotten GDPR compliance requests

Privitar, a data privacy platform provider, is releasing the lasts version of The Privitar Data Privacy Platform, including new Right to be Forgotten functionality and enhanced enterprise-ready features.

“We believe that the best strategy is to take a privacy by design approach, so that all individuals have their privacy protected, Right to be Forgotten erasure requests aren’t  unnecessarily arduous to comply with, and businesses are able to maintain the full analytic value of their data,” said Steve Totman, chief product officer at Privitar. “Privitar’s new Right to be Forgotten functionality makes it easy for customers to keep and continue to leverage all of their data, while respecting individual’s rights to privacy, and remaining compliant with GDPR.”

Through Privitar’s Right to be Forgotten capabilities, customers are able to use their de-identified data for analysis while complying with the Right to be Forgotten article in GDPR.

Privitar’s solution removes unique token mappings in the token vault, and an individual’s de-identified data may be considered out-of-scope of Right to be Forgotten. The individual can no longer be re-identified (“unmasked”) and the de-identified data retains value as it is still available for analysis.

In addition to the new Right to be Forgotten functionality, Privitar is also introducing a series  of enterprise-ready features designed to strengthen customers ability to safely use sensitive data for analytics.

Users are now able to:

  • Support Centralized Credential Management with CyberArk
  • Enable Audit Event Offloading via REST APIs
  • Meet Information Security Requirements

For more information about the latest version of the Privitar Data Privacy Platform, visit
