
Ryft Debuts New Solution for Big Data Analytics

Ryft, a provider of big data analytics solutions, has introduced the Ryft ONE Cluster, which builds on the speed and efficiency of the Ryft ONE appliance to enable service providers to improve the performance and availability capabilities their customers require in analytics.

The company says the new Ryft ONE Cluster improves data analytics infrastructures with a hybrid FPGA/x86 compute architecture combined with an open API to accelerate and streamline existing big data ecosystems by 100X while reducing costs by 70%.

“Game-changing performance, reliability and efficiency are absolutely vital to service providers that are competing to provide differentiated services to their customers,” said Des Wilson, CEO of Ryft. “Ryft’s hybrid FPGA/x86 compute engine delivers the highest performance on the market and the ability to easily scale to petabyte levels, dramatically reducing the time, effort and cost of performing data-intensive tasks. Being able to do more with more types of data in a smaller hardware appliance drastically reduces the footprint of the data analytics cluster, which brings significant cost savings and operational improvements at a very competitive time.”

Key capabilities of the Ryft ONE Cluster, according to the company, are that it can scale data analysis performance and storage linearly, enable analytics to more than 200GB/second - including on data-intensive workloads such as fuzzy search, operate either as a stand-alone cluster of Ryft ONEs or as part of an existing Apache Spark or other big data ecosystem, and offers simplified management of clusters.  

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