
SOA Software Adds DevOps Automation to Management Tool

API management and cloud integration provider SOA Software rolled out a new release of its Lifecycle Manager, which offers new capabilities to assist and manage DevOps automation. Customers can use integrations to define and implement approval processes and enforce consistency and repeatability in the software delivery and DevOps pipeline.

DevOps, a growing trend in the enterprise, unifies the two previously separate work areas of software development and IT operations. Now, with the prevalence of cloud-based software, agile development methodologies, and continuous integration of frequent code updates, developers and operations must essentially work as a single team.

“Mobile-first and digital transformation initiatives have served as catalysts in stimulating adoption of agile development and continuous integration methodologies to speed delivery to market,” said Brent Carlson, SVP of engineering for SOA Software. “The new release brings enhanced collaboration and shared metrics visibility across Dev and Ops teams, to ensure automated application deployment and enforce functional testing and product sign-offs.”

The latest release of Lifecycle Manager provides prebuilt integration. Customers can use these integrations to define and implement approval processes over DevOps activities and pipelines such as version control, code quality, provisioning of infrastructure resources and platforms, application deployment functional testing, and production sign-off. Lifecycle Manager defines the appropriate meta-data that needs to be captured at each point in the development, build and deployment lifecycle, automates the workflows and enforces collaboration and human approvals.

For more information is available about SOA Software’s API Platform.
