
ScaleOut Software In-Memory Database Maximizes Ease of Use for Redis Users

ScaleOut Software is releasing ScaleOut In-Memory Database with support for Redis clients, enabling users to connect to a cluster of ScaleOut servers to run Redis commands and improve their ease of use, scaling, and automated data recovery.

Redis users can also simultaneously backup and restore all cluster nodes with a single command. Designed for use in enterprise deployments, these combined capabilities maximize cost savings and computing resources, and they eliminate key limitations of commercial Redis products, according to the vendor.

ScaleOut In-Memory Database incorporates open-source Redis version 6.2.5 code to process Redis commands, and it offers the flexibility to run on either Linux or Windows servers.

This full production release supports all popular Redis data structures (strings, sets, sorted sets, lists, hashes, geospatial, hyperloglog, and streams), as well as transactions, publish/subscribe commands, and blocking commands. Not supported in this release are LUA scripting, modules, and AOF persistence.

Unlike open-source Redis, ScaleOut In-Memory Database implements fully consistent updates to stored data.

In addition, ScaleOut In-Memory Database’s native APIs run alongside Redis commands and include advanced features, such as data-parallel computing, streaming analytics, and coherent, wide-area data replication, which are not available on open-source Redis clusters.

Key capabilities include:

  • Actual Redis Open-Source Code
  • Dramatically Simplified and Enhanced Cluster Management
  • Advanced Client Management
  • Multi-Threaded Architecture

“We are excited to deliver the full production version of our clustered server platform for Redis with ScaleOut In-Memory Database,” said Dr. William Bain, ScaleOut Software’s CEO and founder. “Enterprise Redis users can now take advantage of ScaleOut In-Memory Database to dramatically simplify their cluster management, enable reliable data storage, and reduce their total cost of ownership.”

ScaleOut In-Memory Database offers these key benefits for Redis users:

  • Battle-Tested Software Architecture
  • Full Data Consistency
  • Transparent Throughput Scaling

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