
Siren Updates the Speed and Performance of its Investigative Analytics Technology

Siren, provider of investigative intelligence analytics, is launching Siren 13, the latest iteration of the platform for accelerating investigations through better accessible and actionable data. Visualization, analytics, and dissemination of precise sets of data relationships are now possible with Siren 13, according to the company.

“Siren 13 will enable us to build functionality that we couldn't previously develop. I’m excited that we can make the platform more intuitive for our users in future releases and allow them to share data more easily. That will speed up the investigation process,” added Jeferson Zanim, head of product at Siren.

This update fundamentally improves upon investigation speed, promising twice as fast performance with larger, more complex investigative searches. It also elaborates on its reporting, enriching the process with printable large complex diagrams on high fidelity charts and downloadable PNG files for graphs most relevant to users. With ESRI vector layers, users can apply this functionality to coordinate maps, allowing them to collect census tracts or land parcels and images with an accessible zoom-in capability.

Investigative search capabilities see improvements with Siren 13, where visual icons for subgroup identification and unlimited sub-searches in the data model empower streamlined processing of large data sets. Specifically for Law Enforcement National Security agencies and corporations, users can leverage enhanced audit tracking, increased data access security, and additional security updates.

“13 is a dramatic step forward in terms of usability and performance,” said Dr. Renaud Delbru, co-founder and chief scientific officer of Siren. “Integrations like ESRI layers and the ability to print large graphs have been frequently requested by our customers. We have built a unique platform that intuitively enables fast responses to complex data investigation challenges at the big data scale Law Enforcement and National Security agencies require. We are committed to being the global reference investigative intelligence platform.”

Other improvements to Siren 13 include backend and performance enhancements with Federate 27.4x, a fully vectorized processing engine; Elasticsearch 8.x support for storage efficiency; and the Siren Scripting API for flexible operation of graphs and custom transformations.

To learn more about Siren 13, please visit
