
SnapLogic Introduces New Solution Named Iris

SnapLogic is launching a new technology that uses artificial intelligence to automate highly repetitive, low-level development tasks, eliminating the integration backlog that stifles most technology initiatives.

The new technology, named Iris, uses advanced algorithms to learn from millions of data flows via the SnapLogic Enterprise Integration Cloud, and applies that learning to improve the speed and quality of integrations across data, applications, and business processes.

The “self-driving” software shortens the learning curve for line of-business users to manage their own data pipelines, while freeing up coders for higher-value software development.

Iris builds on SnapLogic’s vision for self-service integration, and will fuel a series of technology innovations that SnapLogic plans over the next 2-3 years based on its Enterprise Integration Cloud.

The first Iris-based feature is SnapLogic Integration Assistant, a recommendation engine that uses machinelearning to help business users and analysts determine the right next steps in building data pipelines.

 “Digital transformation shouldn’t depend on manual labor,” said Gaurav Dhillon, founder and CEO of SnapLogic. “The days of simply throwing more developers at the problem are coming to a close.”

Iris takes advantage of SnapLogic’s unique cloud-native system and metadata architecture, allowing Iris to do the data science needed to find patterns and features that can be used to train machine learning models.

Iris thus learns from millions of data flows, integration paths, and patterns across SnapLogic’s platform, determining what’s popular, what works, and what doesn’t work. It then translates that learning into specific recommendations for line-of-business and IT managers, so they can save time and reduce errors while applying best practices.

SnapLogic’s Enterprise Integration Cloud accelerates data and process flow across cloud and on premises applications, data warehouses, big data streams, and IoT deployments.

For more information about this solution, visit
