
Syncsort Partners with Impetus Technologies to Simplify the Creation of Real-Time Big Data Analytics Applications

Syncsort is partnering with Impetus Technologies to provide integrated solutions for building real-time, streaming analytics applications integrated with Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ, and other message brokers on Hadoop.

“Every 3 months there are six new projects that are being added to big data or the Hadoop stack and this creates a big challenge for organizations,” Tendü  Yogurtçu, general manager of big data at Syncsort said. “Our focus is on just creating a single user experience and whether you run it on your laptop, Hadoop, MapReduce or Spark, that planning, execution and framework is decoupled from the user experience.”

Syncsort provides software that allows organizations to collect, integrate, sort, and distribute more data in less time. Impetus brings together a mix of software products, consulting services, data science capabilities and technology expertise by offering full lifecycle services for big data implementations including technology strategy, proof-of-value, solution architecture, proof of concept, production implementation, and on-going support to its clients.

While Syncsort has contributed to open source projects for several years, the partnership with Impetus is taking the next step in streamlining data analytics for real-time applications, according to Yogurtçu. The new integration of Syncsort’s DMX-h data integration software with Impetus’ StreamAnalytix platform is intended to simplify the creation of real-time analytics applications, including the cleansing, pre-processing and transformation of data in motion.

 By removing obstacles to building streaming analytics applications on Hadoop, this new joint offering will close the gap between batch and real-time workloads, according to Syncsort. Customers will be able to move data at scale in real-time across the enterprise to keep business systems in sync and speed-up slow batch processes with streaming ETL.

“Increasing the types of data and number of sources of data is putting a lot of pressure on organizations,” Yogurtçu said. “This is pushing organizations to do things in real-time. With our integration, we are really creating a simple interface for users to create a real-time workflow.”

Streaming analytics applications will address key use cases in areas including the Internet of Things (IoT), call center analytics, real-time marketing, e-commerce, security, fraud, insurance claim validation, credit-line-management, and log analytics.  “There is a huge need in the market to simplify applications,” Yogurtçu said. “Our announcement is focused on closing the gap in terms of the skill set and increased adoption of the technology stack.”

For more information about the partnership, go here.
