
Tenable Cloud Security Now Protects Against Container Image Vulnerabilities

Tenable, the exposure management company, is debuting new Tenable Cloud Security features that target OS vulnerability prevention through threat detection across container images, registries, and pipelines.

With more and more organizations turning to containerization, their risk potential increases in parallel. According to a Forrester Consulting study done on behalf of Tenable, 32% of enterprises reported that containerization will be implemented in the next year, with 51% already completing implementation. Security for these containers has left something to be desired, often involving developers more than security teams, according to Tenable.

Tenable Cloud Security agentless container scanning equips enterprises with comprehensive visibility over container images through the rigorous monitoring, reporting, and remediation of any vulnerabilities. Centralized within a single user interface, security teams benefit from the trusted OS vulnerability detection that Tenable provides, now applicable to container images stored in container image registries.

This solution integrates image scanning within DevOps and security workflows and pipelines, empowering security teams to stop risky images from entering production while reducing alert fatigue. Tenable’s single-policy framework drives scalable, secure, and efficient containerization across an organization, where preventative policies for system host vulnerabilities are as easy as those for infrastructure misconfigurations, according to the company.

To learn more about Tenable Cloud Security, please visit
